About me...

I love cooking! It is satisfying, creative and rewarding all at once, not to mention that I find it incredibly relaxing. With this blog I want to record my foodie experiments - the successful and the less so. I love food programmes and recipes, but seldom have or can afford the ingredients used, and am forced to bodge. And it is this culinary bodging that I am going to write about - pulling together some made up recipes, some pinched from Mummy, and some adapted from the pros.

My cooking philosophy is not to get worked up over food, to use recipes as a guide to flavour combinations and cooking techniques, and not to be afraid to experiment. 

My food philosophy is the more local the better. I try to buy UK grown season vegetables, that way I know they haven't been in storage for 6 months, or have travelled halfway round the world in the belly of a plane. 

My food heroes are people like Nigel Slater and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for everyday cooking, Angela Hartnett, Raymond Blanc and anyone with the name Roux for the nicer meals, and just about anyone for baking. 

So that's me, lah de dah.

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