Sunday, 8 January 2012

2012: Biscuits galore!

Happy New Year! A new rolling pin, spatula, citrus juicer, hand electric mixer, book of baking treats, and ceramic baking beans for Christmas heralds a lovely year of baking and cooking. During my two weeks off over the festive period I did hardly any baking, as I was just enjoying doing nothing. I did host a party over New Year and made a dinner of Steak and Ale Pie, Pork and Cider Cobbler, Mash and Carrots, followed by a gooseberry cheesecake - which were a steaming success, and the recipes may follow - if I can one day remember what I did.

But back to today, have tried again with Jamie Oliver's Ginger biscuits, which have come out beautifully, recipe here. However, I forgot the bicarb, and used 1tbs golden syrup and 1tbs treacle, as it is far too much faff to measure the sticky stuff. I also added some crystallised ginger. They are sill cooling but I am excited about the results!

Also on the menu, is Cottage Pie - no recipe yet as I haven't pefected the recipe....

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